Source code for pyseldonlib.DeffuantVectorModel

The Deffuant Vector Model extends the traditional Deffuant Model to multi-dimensional binary vectors. In this model, each agent’s opinion is represented as a binary vector, where each dimension of the vector can have a value of either 0 or 1. The model describes how agents adjust their binary opinions through random binary encounters, similar to the classical Deffuant approach.

Model Dynamics
Binary Opinions:
  Each opinion is represented as a binary vector, where the values are restricted to 0 or 1. The interaction and adjustment process involves comparing these vectors and updating them based on the Homophily Threshold.

Homophily Threshold:
  Agents will only adjust their opinions if the difference between their opinion vectors is below a specified threshold. This difference is computed in a way that considers the multi-dimensional nature of the opinion vectors.

The Deffuant Model provides insight into how personal interactions and opinion thresholds influence the dynamics of opinion formation and clustering within a group of agents.

>>> from pyseldonlib import Deffuant_Vector_Model
>>> # Create the Deffuant Vector Model
>>> deffuant = Deffuant_Vector_Model(max_iterations=1000, homophily_threshold=0.2, mu=0.5)
>>> # Run the simulation
>>> # Access the network
>>> network = deffuant.get_Network()
>>> # Access the opinions of the agents
>>> opinions = deffuant.agents_opinions()

.. bibliography::
   :style: plain



from bindings import seldoncore
import pathlib
from typing import Optional
from ._basemodel import Base_Model
from ._othersettings import Other_Settings

[docs] class Deffuant_Vector_Model(Base_Model): """ Deffuant Vector Model base class for Simulation. Parameters ----------- max_iterations : int, default=None The maximum number of iterations to run the simulation. If None, the simulation runs infinitely. homophily_threshold : float, default=0.2 The threshold for homophily. If the difference in opinions between two agents is less than this value, they interact. mu : float, default=0.5 The convergence rate of the agents. use_network : bool, default=False For using a square lattice network. Will throw if sqrt(n_agents) is not an integer. dim : int, default=1 For the multi-dimensional binary vector Deffuant model, define the number of dimensions in each opinion vector rng_seed : int, default=None The seed for the random number generator. If not provided, a random seed is picked. agent_file : str, default=None The file to read the agents from. If None, the agents are generated randomly. network_file : str, default=None The file to read the network from. If None, the network is generated randomly other_settings : Other_Settings, default=None The other settings for the simulation. If None, the default settings are used. Attributes ----------- Network : Network (Object) The network generated by the simulation. Opinion : Float The opinions of the agents or nodes of the network. """ def __init__( self, max_iterations: int = None, homophily_threshold: float = 0.2, mu: float = 0.5, use_network: bool = False, dim: int = 1, rng_seed: Optional[int] = None, agent_file: Optional[str] = None, network_file: Optional[str] = None, other_settings: Other_Settings = None, ): # Other settings and Simulation Options are already intialised in super super().__init__() if other_settings is not None: self.other_settings = other_settings self._options.model_string = "Deffuant" self._options.model_settings = seldoncore.DeffuantSettings() self._options.output_settings = self.other_settings.output_settings self._options.network_settings = self.other_settings.network_settings self._options.model = seldoncore.Model.DeffuantModel if rng_seed is not None: self._options.rng_seed = rng_seed self._options.model_settings.max_iterations = max_iterations self._options.model_settings.homophily_threshold = homophily_threshold = mu self._options.model_settings.use_network = use_network self._options.model_settings.use_binary_vector = True self._options.model_settings.dim = dim self._simulation = seldoncore.SimulationDiscreteVectorAgent( options=self._options, cli_agent_file=agent_file, cli_network_file=network_file, ) self._network =