Source code for pyseldonlib._run_simulation

from bindings import seldoncore
from typing import Optional

[docs] def run_simulation_from_config_file( config_file_path: str, agent_file_path: Optional[str] = None, network_file_path: Optional[str] = None, output_dir_path: Optional[str] = None, ): """Run the simulation using the configuration(toml) file. Parameters ----------- config_file_path : str The path to the configuration(toml) file. agent_file_path : str, optional The path to the agent file. network_file_path : str, optional The path to the network file. output_dir_path : str, deafult="./output" """ seldoncore.run_simulation( config_file_path=config_file_path, options=None, agent_file_path=agent_file_path, network_file_path=network_file_path, output_dir_path=output_dir_path, )
[docs] def run_simulation_from_options( options: object, agent_file_path: Optional[str] = None, network_file_path: Optional[str] = None, output_dir_path: Optional[str] = None, ): """ Run the simulation using the simulation options object. Note ---- The options object must be created using the SimulationOptions class. Parameters ----------- options : object The simulation options object. agent_file_path : str, optional The path to the agent file. network_file_path : str, optional The path to the network file. output_dir_path : str, optional The path to the output directory. """ seldoncore.run_simulation( options=options.options, config_file_path=None, agent_file_path=agent_file_path, network_file_path=network_file_path, output_dir_path=output_dir_path, )
[docs] def parse_config_file(file_path: str): """Parse the toml file and create the simulation options object. Parameters ----------- file_path : str The path to the toml file. Returns ------- Simulation: The simulation object. """ return seldoncore.parse_config_file(file_path)